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Ellie Mack

author : Ellie Mack

Contemporary romance author, Ellie Mack, is a former columnist outside of St. Louis, Missouri where she resides with her husband and daughters. Her works have earned her nominations in the Indie community for best debut romance and best ugly cry in 2017. Recently, she has “dipped her quill” into the realm of Norse mythology with her title The Awakening. \nAs a breast cancer survivor, Ellie encourages others with the diagnosis to keep fighting and to always have hope. \n“If there’s life, there is hope.” -Stephen Hawking\nEllie has also won both the Liebster and Wordpress blog awards for her blog\n When she’s not working on her next book, Ellie enjoys journaling, crocheting, and practicing her skills in the kitchen.\n“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…It’s about learning to dance in the rain.” -Vivian Greene\n\n

Ellie Mack Book Series